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St. Valentine, The Real Story

Flowers, candy, red hearts and romance. That's what Valentine's day is all about, right? Well, maybe not. The origin of this holiday for the expression of love really isn't romantic at all—at least not in the traditional sense. Father…

Who could replace Dad? -Super book

9-year-old Channa moved to an orphanage after her father died and her mother abandoned her. “When he died and mom gave me away, I was afraid to love anyone.  I thought ‘If I love them, they will die or leave me,’” said Channa with her…

Let’s Talk About Feelings

For whatever reason, I don’t want to tell somebody, “Hey, you hurt my feelings.” And I don’t think I’m the only one who has a hard time with that. I hate and avoid difficult conversations. So I read “Difficult Conversations:…

Hope for Those without Hope

I lay in bed, my thoughts trying to answer the question, “Why should I get up? Is there any chance that today will make tomorrow better, more attractive, or worth the effort to throw back the covers and emerge from the cocoon of a warm…

Trusting God is Good, Even When Life Isn’t

If you're anything like me, you desperately want to trust God. You know you should trust Him with everything and more than anything right now, you need to trust Him. But when the rubber hits the road and you get the call from the doctor,…