How are Christians Going To Stand Against Abortion During The Biden Administration?


Though reversing restrictions on abortion access was not among more than a dozen executive actions signed by President Joe Biden on his first day in office, it’s only a matter of time before the new administration follows through on its pro-choice platform.

While pro-life groups cheered efforts by the Trump administration to stand against abortion, the incoming president pledged to uphold abortion rights, and Biden is due to overturn the Mexico City policy—which bars the government from funding organizations outside the US that perform abortions—“in the coming days and weeks,” according to the White House press secretary.

What can Christians do to continue promoting the sanctity of the unborn while Biden is in office?

As groups opposed to abortion come together to mark the anniversary of Roe v. Wade and National Sanctity of Human Life Day this weekend, under the new administration, “the bottom line is everything is different,” said Mallory Quigley, vice president of communications for Susan B. Anthony List.

While measures like the Mexico City policy get reversed and reinstated every time a different party assumes the White House, advocates like Quigley consider Trump “the most pro-life president in history” for his efforts to expand typical anti-abortion policies. His administration went beyond the Mexico City policy to offer an additional $8.8 million for international health programs that do not promote abortion. It further restricted Title X funding, barring it not just from covering abortion itself but from going to any clinic that makes abortion referrals.

Similarly, Biden represents a particularly ardent stance in favor of abortion access, going beyond what we’ve seen among previous Democratic presidents. During the campaign, Biden withdrew his support for the Hyde Amendment, which bans the use of federal funds for abortion except in cases of rape, incest, or life-threatening circumstances.

As California attorney general, Vice President Kamala Harris further regulated pregnancy centers by mandating they provide clients with information on abortions—a law the US Supreme Court overturned in 2018. Harris also opened investigations into the Center for Medical Progress after staff members with the pro-life advocacy group secretly filmed Planned Parenthood executives discussing the sale of fetal body parts.

Her successor as attorney general, Xavier Becerra, continued Harris’s legal investigations and pregnancy care center regulations. Christians opposed to abortion worry that if Becerra is confirmed to lead the Department of Health and Human Services, he’ll similarly push for restrictions on advocacy groups and pregnancy centers.

Even with abortion rights advocates securing the White House and majorities in the House and Senate, Christian groups against abortion still believe there are political, cultural, and spiritual resources at their disposal.

First of all, they don’t plan to stay silent now that that pro-life lawmakers are in the minority on the federal level. Before laws and policies can change, the movement must change the narrative around abortion, said Denise Harle, senior counsel with Alliance Defending Freedom.

“Christians should stand up and defend the ability of pro-life advocates to speak,” Harle said. “Women who are considering abortion often do so because they ’ve been told they don ’t have any real options. Pregnancy centers provide real hope and practical support to women who often feel they have neither, and Christians should come alongside them offering the same.”



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