Zimbabwe has been holding what has been termed harmonised elections since the days of former president Robert Mugabe. What this simply means is that elections will be held for President, Parliament, local authorities and provincial councils. These are held after every 5 years and this year they are scheduled for the 23rd of August.

Elite Africa Research conducted a poll of 2000 registered voters in June of this year and found that if the elections were held then, 47.6% of respondents would vote for Chamisa in the presidential poll, while 38.7% would vote for President Emmerson Mnangagwa. Similarly, the poll found that 47.7 % of respondents would vote for Chamisa’s CCC while 39.6% would vote for Mnangagwa’s ruling Zanu-PF party in the parliamentary elections. The poll also found, by much wider margins, that Zimbabweans believe their country is heading in the wrong direction and that the economy is getting worse. This is further proven by the increasing number of the economically active demography leaving the country in drones in search for greener pasture in countries in the SADC region as well as overseas in Canada, America, China and the biggest influx being witnessed in neighbouring South Africa and in recent times the UK. In this economic migration, Zimbabwe is losing most of its skilled labour force as people are leaving their areas of expertise in different industries to become care workers in the UK.

The question is, will the election be free and fair and will the voice of the people be respected?

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